Jonah Bayer of United Nations

Host Jason Schreurs welcomes Jonah Bayer to the podcast. Jonah plays guitar in United Nations and is the former music editor at Alternative Press. Jonah is pursuing a career in mental health counselling and, in 2019, enrolled in the Clinical Mental Health Counselling Program at Antioch University in New England. Jonah's longterm goal is to provide counselling for bands. With his clients, he hopes to cover band dynamics, the pressures of touring, and what he calls arrested development; what to do for a career outside the band.

Featured songs:
United Nations - "Stairway To Mar​-​a​-​Lago" (2017)
At The Drive-In - "Arcarsenal" live at Big Day Out Festival (2001)
The Lovekill - "Heart Wires" from These Moments Are Momentum (Astro Magnetics, 2006)

Photo: Christian Napolitano


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