Host Jason Schreurs recaps the past 10 episodes

Host Jason Schreurs recaps episodes 31-40 of Scream Therapy. If you missed any of these episodes, it's time to catch up!

Intro/background music:
Submission Hold - "Cranium Ache" from The Buzz of a Buzzless Situation
Propagandhi - "Supporting Caste" from Supporting Caste (G7 Welcoming Committee/Smallman Records, 2009)
Render Useless - "Bravery in a Sea of Cowards"
Render Useless - "Clique"
Render Useless - "Becoming Anti Human)"
Render Useless - "Attention All Shoppers"
Render Useless - "Inside the Opposite Side of a Hiding Place Window"
From Discography (Clue#2 Records, 2007)


Flex Your Head: Propagandhi - Supporting Caste


Amy Taylor of Amyl and the Sniffers