Megan Cadena-Fernandez of Foxtails

Host Jason Schreurs is joined by Megan Cadena-Fernandez, vocalist/bassist of Foxtails, to share their experiences living with complex PTSD. Megan also tackles the subject of being a non-binary person of colour in the punk scene and the discrimination they face in it, a mirror for the world outside of punk.

Featured songs:
Foxtails - "The Chickening" from Querida Hija (Emocat Records, 2019)
Foxtails - "I Experienced Ego Death on a Skramcave Thread/NDE Thread" [ZH1 Sessions, 2019]
Foxtails - "It Was the First Time I Remembered a Saturday Night I Forgot About" from Querida Hija (Emocat Records, 2019)


Rob Rufus of Die Young with Me and Blacklist Royals


Jenna Pup of The HIRS Collective